Second Thoughts

Disappearing Island and a Lost Habitat

Disappearing Island and a Lost Habitat


Almost all of what was the second-biggest island in the French Frigate Shoals disappeared on or around October 4 after having been hit by Hurricane Walaka. The category 4 storm’s high winds sent a storm surge over the small islet almost completely destroying it. The now-gone 11-acre island was known as East Island and was part of the Northwestern Hawaiian…read more

Canada — Second Country to Legalize Recreational Marijuana

Canada — Second Country to Legalize Recreational Marijuana


The legal sale of recreational marijuana began today (10/17/18) in Canada, the second country to do so. More than just decriminalizing its use, or limiting its use or sale to specific places, people can now buy, cultivate, and use marijuana to their heart’s content (if their hearts are content with whatever limits their provinces may impose, that is). None of…read more

Second-Longest Commercial Air Route

Second-Longest Commercial Air Route


Updated on 01/11/2019

The world got a little smaller over the weekend, especially for those who live in the greater London and Perth areas. Qantas, the Australian airline once made popular by the character Raymond Babbitt1 in the movie Rain Man, just added a new nonstop route to its commercial route offerings. Passengers can now travel from Perth, Australia, to London, U.K., nonstop,…read more

“‘Til There Was You”

“‘Til There Was You”


Updated on 09/06/2022

Second feats and events can come to me from anywhere here at, and this one comes from an interesting book review in the The New Yorker by Adam Gopnik who wrote about composer Andrew Lloyd Weber’s new memoir, Unmasked. In the article, Gopnik expounds on the reasons as to why people love/hate Weber, his journey, his works, etc., but…read more

The World’s Second-Biggest Tax Haven in 2018

The World’s Second-Biggest Tax Haven in 2018


Updated on 10/11/2018

If you’re a rich person looking for a place to hide your money from the evil tax-collecting hoards in your home country, or maybe you’re a super rich drug dealer who doesn’t want your local government asking questions about that Bentley parked in your quarter-mile driveway when on your last return you reported earnings of only $28,000, then look no…read more

2018 Groundhog Day Round-up

2018 Groundhog Day Round-up


Updated on 10/08/2018

It’s February 2 — favorite day for enthusiasts! Not only is it the second day of the second month and the anniversary of the launch of, it is also Groundhog Day! Yes, it’s the day where fancy men in top hats stand outside in the freezing cold staring at the furry little rodents and their shadows. As a…read more

Elite Polish K2 Climbers

Elite Polish K2 Climbers


Updated on 10/08/2018

Last May, SM did a blog post on a team of mountain climbers from Poland who were going to attempt a winter ascent on K2, little did anyone know that those same climbers would end up being heroes. A multi-national climbing party was attempting to summit Nanga Parbat, the second-highest peak in Pakistan at 26,660ft (8,125m), and the ninth-highest mountain…read more

Moonless February (2018)

Moonless February (2018)


Updated on 10/08/2018

A celestial event will occur in February 2018. The event may not be as exciting as say, an eclipse, or a comet, or a good meteor shower. In fact, it’s not even an event per se, but more an oddity of the calendar. For ease of language we’ll just call it an “event”. So the event about which I am…read more

Saint-Gaudens’ Diana and Her Half-Sized Replicas

Saint-Gaudens’ Diana and Her Half-Sized Replicas


Updated on 09/20/2022

I’ve probably been to the Metropolitan Museum of Art about 60 or 70 times over the years, and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen every gallery there, but I haven’t always given pieces the proper attention they deserve. Then again, how could I? There are millions of pieces  from all over the world and from all different time periods, nine times…read more